
Keywords are Alfred names for strings of characters you enter into Alfred to identify an action you wish to take place. Cluster has many actions and many keywords to trigger those actions. Cluster also includes numerous configuration options to allow you to specify your own keywords for different flow actions.

The list of available actions/flows and the default keywords is provided below. Should you not wish to use a particular flow, you can simply remove the keyword trigger in the configuration.

Setting Description Keyword
[Keyword] Open Bunch Alfred keyword trigger to open a bunch that is not currently open bbo
[Keyword] Toggle Bunch Alfred keyword trigger to toggle a bunch bbt
[Keyword] Close Bunch Alfred keyword trigger to close a bunch that is currently open bbc
[Keyword] Edit Bunch Alfred keyword trigger to edit a bunch in the default application specified in the Bunch app settings. bbe
[Keyword] Edit Last Modified Bunch Alfred keyword trigger to edit the last modified bunch file bbl
[Keyword] Create New Bunch Alfred keyword trigger to create a new bunch bbn
[Keyword] Archive Bunch Alfred keyword trigger to set a bunch to be archived so that it does not appear in Bunch bba
[Keyword] Restore Archived Bunch Alfred keyword trigger to set an archived bunch to be restored so that it once again appears in Bunch bbr
[Keyword] Delete Bunch Alfred keyword trigger to delete a bunch bbd
[Keyword] Copy Bunch Info Alfred keyword trigger to allow a user to specify what information they would like to copy about a bunch bbi
[Keyword] Bunch App Command Alfred keyword trigger to allow a user to trigger a command that will affect the Bunch app directly bbb
[Keyword] Workflow Command Alfred keyword trigger to trigger a change in Cluster - this Alfred workflow for interacting with Bunch bbw
[Keyword] Workflow Debug Info Alfred keyword trigger to allow access to some workflow flows for debugging purposes ÷d
[Keyword] Workflow Test Alfred keyword trigger to allow access to some workflow flows for testing purposes ÷t
[Keyword] Help Alfred keyword trigger to select help bbh
[Keyword] Bunch Help Alfred keyword trigger to open the online help documentation for Bunch bhb
[Keyword] Bunch Help - Search Alfred keyword trigger to search the online help documentation for Bunch for a particular term using a site-scoped Google search bhs
[Keyword] Workflow Help Alfred keyword trigger to open the online help documentation for the Cluster workflow bhw
[Keyword] Open Bunches Tagged Alfred keyword trigger to open bunches that have a tag you select from a list of available tags bto
[Keyword] Open Bunches With Tags Alfred keyword trigger to open bunches that have tags that match a Bunch tag search btto
[Keyword] Close Bunches Tagged Alfred keyword trigger to close bunches that have a tag you select from a list of available tags btc
[Keyword] Close Bunches With Tags Alfred keyword trigger to close bunches that have tags that match a Bunch tag search bttc
[Keyword] Toggle Bunches Tagged Alfred keyword trigger to toggle bunches that have a tag you select from a list of available tags btt
[Keyword] Toggle Bunches With Tags Alfred keyword trigger to toggle bunches that have tags that match a Bunch tag search bttt

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