The external trigger-based flows can be loosely grouped as follows.
Control Bunches
External Trigger ID | Description |
openBunch | Open a bunch by file base name |
closeBunch | Close a bunch by file base name |
toggleBunch | Toggle a bunch by file base name |
editBunch | Edit a bunch by file base name |
editLastModified | Edit last modified bunch |
archiveBunch | Archive the specified bunch |
restoreArchive | Restore the specified archived bunch |
bunchDeleteNoConfirm | Delete the specified bunch without getting the user to confirm |
bunchDeleteConfirm | Delete the specified bunch after getting the user to confirm |
External Trigger ID | Description |
openTag | Open tagged bunches by tag name |
closeTag | Close tagged bunches by tag name |
toggleTag | Toggle tagged bunches by tag name |
Control Bunch
External Trigger ID | Description |
refreshBunch | Force refresh Bunch |
quitBunch | Quit Bunch app |
restartBunch | Quit and then start the Bunch app |
revealBunch | Reveal bunches folder in Finder |
preferencesBunch | Open Bunch’s settings/preferences |
Bunch Creation
External Trigger ID | Description |
bunchEmpty | Create a new empty bunch file |
bunchCloneExample | Create a copy of the app’s standard Example bunch |
bunchCloneExisting | Create a copy of an existing bunch |
bunchNew | Create a new empty bunch file |
bunchCopyApps | Copy the current running app names into a list to paste into an existing bunch … or elsewhere |
Cluster Preferences
External Trigger ID | Description |
toggleApp | Toggle control of Bunch/Bunch Beta |
Bunch Preferences
External Trigger ID | Description |
togglePrefToggleBunches | Toggle the toggle bunches mode |
togglePrefSingleBunchMode | Toggle the single bunch mode |
togglePrefPreserveOpenBunches | Toggle the preserve bunches mode |
setPrefDebugLevel | Set the debug level |
setPrefConfigDir | Set the configuration directory |
External Trigger ID | Description |
fetchAppName | Return the name of the Bunch app to control |
fetchFolderPath | Load a workspace into the Drafts app with the specified name |
fetchBunches | Return the list of bunch names |
Flow End
External Trigger ID | Description |
end | Called at the end of each flow |